On Saturday, September 26, 2015, PACE Members helped to serve the homeless at the Salvation Army Carl P. Collins Service Center located at 5302 Harry Hines Blvd in Dallas.
On Saturday, January 14, 2016, PACE particpated in the MLK Parade in Carrollton Texas and stayed to watch the talent show afterwards. Below are some pictures of the parade and talent show.
2015 - 2016 PACE Service Projects and Events
The PACE annual Christmas Gala was held on December 4, 2015 at the Crown Plaza Hotel, in Addison, Texas. There was singing anda prize was presented to all members of hte group that proved to best the Best in Voice that evening. There was a raffle and a Wheel of Fortune game for CASH prizes. And lucky winners got to take home a beautiful gift from the silent auction. And dancing. Oh, the dancing! The fact that everyone was enjoying themselves was evident on the faces of the dancers. And needless to say, the buffet dinner was delicious.
Those who joined us and the characters from the Nutcracker Suite and had a beautiful start to their holiday season.

PACE, in conjunction with the Josey Ranch Lake Branch of the Carrollton Public Library presented the African American Read-In at 3PM on February 21, 2016.
Robin Perry had the audience in an uproar to her hilariously funny presentation encouraging children to read. Humorist Chuck Siler treated us to his witicisms. Dr. Grace Burke read to us about her three aunts. There were other readings and quizes which all of the younger members of the audience seemed to greatly enjoy before being given new and slightly used books of their own to take away from the event.
Light refreshments were served after the Read-In.