News and Archives
MAY 2010
New Officer Installation
New officers for 2011-2012 year were installed at the monthly meeting on May 16.
The officers are: President, Rachel Lewis; Vice President, Arlene Beasley; Recording Secretary, Jo Yvonne Gardner; Social Secretary, Lillie Lawrence; Treasurer Ethel Bowman; Parliamentarian, Margaret Kyle; and Historian, Roxanne Forster.
Please join us in wishing our new slate of officers much success in their elected position for the next two years.

APRIL 2010
PACE 2010 Scholarship Luncheon
The Annual PACE Scholarship Luncheon and Fashion Show, held on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at the Brookhaven Country Club in Dallas, Texas.

This year's event supported the awarding of 5 scholarships ranging from $800 for basic PACE Scholarships to $1500 for the PACE Memorial Scholarship. Our Mistress of Ceremony was Ms. Christine Douglas Smith, a role model for young black women in the sciences.
To make a donation to next year's scholarship fund please contact any PACE member or email PACE at president@pacedfw.org. You may also call Ethel Bowman at (972) 418-0180.
Pictures, pictures, pictures. See them here!
PACE 2010 Scholarship Recipients Selected

Five recipients were selected from a pool of high school seniors from different schools around the Dallas Metroplex to be the recipients of PACE's 2010 scholarship awards. Each recipient received a cash scholarship to be utilized towards educational expenses in the 2010-2011 academic year.
Christ Community Connection Scholarship Banquet
Congratulations to PACE member Lilly Lawrence on receiving the "Business Honoree of the Year" from the Christ Community Connection at their Scholarship Banquet recently. The banquet was held at the Brookhaven Country Club. The keynote speaker at the banquet was Mr. Wynfred C. Watkins, retired senior VP of J.C. Penney Company, Inc. Other awardees were: April Mccoy-Golfer Honoree of the year, Creekview High School, Faye Williams Smith (elementary school counselor in Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD) was awarded the Bernice C. Freeman Award and Mrs. Helissa Warren received the Annie Heads Rainwater Award as Volunteer of the Year for 2010.

Quoting from the program: "Christ Community Connection is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides spiritual growth to the community using various community projects to bridge the gap between the many diverse races, cultures and traditions. (They) sponsor food baskets on Thanksgiving and Christmas for needy families. (They) also provide annual scholarships to senior high schools in CFBISD including Mary Grimes, an alternative school for students who have dropped out from the local high school and are given a chance to be productive citizens."
Jo Gardner Does Us Proud
Congratulations to member Jo Gardner of the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Council PTA for her selection as a Life Member of that organization. Way to go, Jo!
February 2010
African-American Read-In
PACE presented an African-American Read-In in Carrollton Sunday February 21, 2010 Carrollton Library at Josey Ranch Lake at 1700 Keller Springs Rd. The special guest was Dr. Stephanie Scroggins. Refreshments were served.

January 2010
DOVE Self-Esteem Workshop for Girls
The DOVE Self-Esteem Workshop for Girls was held on January 23rd facilitated by PACE members Roxanne Forster and Tracey Richardson. The workshop was geared for girls ages 8 - 17. It consisted of short lecutres, hands on activites for the girls to participate in, and two short DVD clips on how the media manipulates images presented to the public. The workshop was a resounding success thanks to the support of all of the PACE members who contributed food, writing supplies, registration support, setup and take down help, and assisting the girls with their activities.

December General Meeting
Adopt-a-Family info for Christmas 2009 - Mom was very grateful for the gifts PACE provided to her and her sons.
The PACE Christmas Gala
The food was great. The ambience was perfect. And Disco Don provided a wonderful music mix. The gala was held in the Oak Room of the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Midway Rd in Addison, TX . The silent auction brought in some very nice articles and they went for great prices. Between spa treatments and hotel stays, gourmet packages and beautiful artwork, the Christmas season is going to be a lot merrier for those who won their bids.
November 2009
November General Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of PACE was held at Marshall's Bar BQ at 3pm on November 8, 2009 -Interim President Rachel Lewis presiding. Welcome to our two new members Kathy and Jodi.
October 2009
was held on Sunday, October 18, 2009. What a wonderful time we had at the annual membership rush. There were six prospective members that came out to hear more about what PACE stands for and the many opportunities the organization has to offer. They were welcomed by our President, Rachel Lewis. The history of PACE and an overview of the many programs were presented by Roxanne Forster, one of the charter members. PACE's goals for the 2009/2010 year were discussed. Officers, committee chairs and members were introduced with summaries of their responsibilities and duties given.
The guests introduced themselves. It was a blessing and a testimony to PACE of the way others lives have been touched through PACE. Many present had attended other PACE activities such as the African American Read-In, the Scholarship Luncheon and the Christmas Gala. There were so many compliments on each activity. Adriana Atkins, a 2002 PACE scholarship recipient, told how she received the scholarship application and what a difference it made in her life. She is an example of why PACE do what they do to give out scholarships to our female high school seniors.
The annual fall garage sale was held October 10th at the home of Jo Gardner. Members started arriving at 6AM for a day of sales and camaraderie. We weren't rained out but we nearly suffered frostbite because it was very cold. Sales were not as brisk as the wind but we still managed to make a few dollars. The Pacettes were on hand to provide face-painting and Bessie Dorsey-Davis provided us with the most delicious sandwiches.
We would like to thank Jo Gardner and her boys for opening up their home (and garage) to us for this fundraising event.
There was music, food, games, crafts, historic demonstrations, a petting zoo and lots of friends to see. The home was open for tours also. Admission was free to all. We hope that you went out for this joyous occasion! The "Centennial Quilt" was un-veiled. Roxanne Forster was in attendance and took photos for those of us unable to attend.

September 2009
Congratulations to Bessie Dorsey-Davis
on participating in the Ovarian Cancer Coalition's 9th annual 5K & 1 mile Walk/Fun Run on Saturday, September 26, 2009. Bessie is a cancer survivor and her group is trying to increase awareness about ovarian cancer. Bessie participated on a team named Bessie's Blessings. We hope that she and her team were successful in their endeavors.
Status of PACE's 510(c)(3) application
The check is in the mail! The paperwork for the 501(c)(3) exempt status has now been completed has been sent to the Internal Revenue Services for approval. Three cheers to Ethel for getting this done. Way to go Ethel Bowman, our treasurer!